Does My Pet Need a Vet? The Difference Between Urgent and Emergency Care

Through regular wellness care and a healthy lifestyle, your four-legged friend is in great shape. However, amid the hustle and bustle of daily life, pet owners need to be prepared for unexpected health crises. Understanding the distinction between situations that require emergency care and those that can be handled with urgent care can mean the [...]

Unearthing Hazards: Understanding the Risks of Dirt to Pets

Most pets love to explore dirt, and, while seemingly innocuous, soil can harbor myriad dangers for curious pets. Beneath the soil’s surface lie bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasite eggs that can pose significant risks to your four-legged friend. Our Sonoran Sky Pet Hospital team digs deep into the hidden hazards of dirt and sheds light [...]

The Benefits and Considerations of Pet Health Insurance

Your pet is undeniably an important part of your life, and their overall health and well-being depend on their day-to-day care. However, our four-legged friends can encounter unexpected injuries or illnesses that require emergency veterinary attention, and the potentially high cost of emergency care makes it crucial for pet owners to consider their options for [...]

Unraveling the Itch: Does My Pet Have Allergies?

Many pet owners are concerned about allergies in their pets, which can cause severe discomfort and skin issues. However, allergy signs in our four-legged friends vary, and a veterinary diagnosis is required to determine the specific allergy type affecting your pet and the appropriate treatment options. Our Sonoran Sky Pet Hospital team uncovers pet allergy [...]

Homemade Pet Diets: Benefits and Drawbacks

The adage, “You are what you eat,” holds true for every species, making a well-balanced diet crucial to good health. In the search for superior nutrition for their pets, pet owners often contemplate making their pet’s food at home. While a homemade pet diet offers plenty of positives, an equal number of pitfalls await to [...]

6 Steps to Keep Your Pet Safe from Heartworm Disease

Many health threats carried by tiny pests, such as mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks, can cause serious harm to your pet. One of the most notorious vector-borne diseases in pets is heartworm disease, a potentially fatal condition caused by parasitic worms that invade the heart, lungs, and blood vessels of dogs and, less commonly, cats. Prevention [...]

6 Myths About Pet Nutrition

Not all pet nutrition information you read on the internet is accurate. Misinformation can cost you money if you end up purchasing an expensive brand with good marketing and minimal nutritional benefits. Worse, these diets can negatively impact your pet’ health. To help you sift pet nutrition facts out of fiction, our Sonoran Sky Pet [...]

Pet Hazards That Could Be Hiding At Home

Your home is your safe haven, but it may not be as safe for your pet as you assume. Many common household items can pose serious threats to your pet, but pet-proofing your home can protect them from potential household hazards. Our team at Sonoran Sky Pet Hospital describes household pet dangers and tips to [...]

10 Reasons Why Your Pet’s Eye Is Red

Eye problems are common in pets and can range greatly in severity. One common issue pet owners often see in cats and dogs is eye redness, which may occur as the only problem or be accompanied by other ocular issues, such as drainage or swelling. Our Sonoran Sky Pet Hospital team shares 10 reasons why [...]

7 Health Signs Pet Owners Should Never Ignore

Your pet is your best friend, so you always know when something is troubling them, right? While your four-legged pal is certainly a wonderful companion, they may not always share their health issues, leaving you responsible for detecting subtle problems. By spotting minor changes in your pet’s appearance, attitude, and habits, you can get them [...]

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